Stars: Electrically Connected and Externally Powered | Space News

2017-10-08 1

EU2017: Future Science -- Rebroadcast — only $29: \r
In Part One of this presentation, Dr. Michael Clarage began his analysis of a recent landmark discovery which shows a surprising relationship between sunspots and solar flares. As Dr. Clarage explained, the discovery that solar flares seem to have a powerful influence on sunspots is highly problematic for standard solar theory. Today, Dr. Clarage explores what may be the fundamental difference between the standard and the Electric Universe concepts of the Sun: in the Electric Universe, stars are not the isolated bodies that standard theory envisions.\r
Part One: \r
Twinkle, Twinkle Electric Star: \r
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Dont miss the NEW Patreon rewards for 2017 at PATREON— “Changing the world through the understanding of the Electric Universe.” \r
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